Today’s post is a guest post by Wynter Chan. Wynter is a clinical exercise physiologist based in Melbourne, Australia.  She is a lecturer in Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in clinical exercise and also runs a private practice Melbourne Clinical Exercise. She has worked with the Australian Ballet, AFL Western Bulldogs, Australian Badminton Team and numerous state and national runners.


Introducing Women in Sport and Exercise! WISE is a new networking group for women in sport and exercise in Australia and globally. 

The objective of this project is for women in the industry to be able to network. We also hope to inspire and mentor young women to pursue a career in sport and exercise. We’re primarily focusing on our facebook page at the moment, which can be found at

The page will profile women from different sporting backgrounds, different roles and also provide career advice.

Long-term, we hope to organise some mini-workshops and seminars. Come check us out!