How connecting with other personal trainers and helping each other can grow your business

Being a personal trainer has a variety of benefits including watching your clients transform their lifestyles and being a vital part of their journey to success.

What about your success as a personal trainer?

How do you grow your business and improve your services?

Having the right amount of confidence in your skills as a personal trainer seems easier said than done so it is important to be involved in the right community of mentorship and support.

With over ten years of supplying personal trainers with the trust necessary to thrive in their business, PT Academy understands the challenges personal trainers face as novices in the industry as well as the importance of belonging to a community that cares and supports.

With my 20+ years of experience as a personal trainer, coach and now owner of one of Australia’s most successful personal training academies, I know how important it is to connect with others to have a business fresh with success and innovation.

With a unique combination of leadership and grass roots knowledge I have acquired by belonging to such a special and unique community, I’m ready to share that with other personal trainers in the hope of helping them drive powerful change to grow their business.


As 2020 approaches, make it part of your new year resolution to get the confidence you need and belong to a community that cares with PT Academy’s Power Up Personal Training Mentoring Program. Throughout December, personal trainers can register for a program that will ultimately transform their business and give them the confidence they need to succeed. In this program, personal trainers will acquire three sets of skills: 

1- Technical: We all understand the skepticism some clients might have on whether personal training will work for them. It is often a hurdle most personal trainers face and those that are new to the business don’t have the necessary skills of persuasion or encouragement to convert these first- or second-time session users into lifelong clients. By connecting with established personal trainers with years of experience on a variety of clients across the spectrum, personal trainers will learn successful ways to convert first time session users to lifetime clients as well as ways to customize a program to fit a particular client’s needs so they see the results they desire. 

2- Business: For those new to personal training, we don’t have the establishment yet to hire a marketing or promotions team so we might have to wear multiple hats. By learning from mentors like PT Academy’s Director Dominic Dos Remedios as well as our team of master coaches and sales specialists, those participating in the mentor program will gain skills on how to market their services and not sound like a typical car salesman. With the right amount of push and appealing marketing tools, personal trainers will learn how to take their business from the ground up and make a great profit. 

3- Personal: Personal trainers need the right amount of confidence and courage to take this industry by storm and PT Academy mentoring program provides stories of inspiration and suggestions on how personal trainers can take their visions and execute them successfully into the services they provide to clients. By connecting with mentors through exclusive access to webinars about confidence hack tips, group coaching sessions and a full year membership to PT Academy’s robust resource centre, personal trainers will come out of the program with a new skill set and enthusiasm to truly grow their business. 

For $39 a week or $169 a month for one year, you can go from a beginner in personal training to an expert.

PT Academy’s Power Up Mentoring Program provides an original profile assessment so personal trainers can learn their strengths and weaknesses, one-on-one sessions with a master coach or mentoring expert to assess particular needs and a 12-week Power UP phase to learn all the skills needed to grow their business.

With the convenience of an online mentoring program, personal trainers can take the skills they acquire and apply them to their business and watch its progress daily.

Belong to a community that mentors and supports not only the success of your business but the success of your life.

Learn more about PT Academy’s Mentoring Program or  are you ready to start?


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