With the hard part of studying and exams over, it is now time to enter the real world and get your first personal training job. As a young, wide-eyed novice in this field, getting your first gig might seem intimidating. With some gyms looking for experienced trainers and others reluctant to take fresh-out-of-school talent, many graduates may worry that they will flounder on the job market. Check out these top interview tips for Personal Trainers to get yourself “in shape” and ready to nail your next personal training interview!

Get all your documents and qualifications organised

The first piece of paper any prospective personal trainer hands their interviewer is their resume. This interview tip for Personal Trainers can make or break any personal trainer seeking a job, so it’s important to make sure your resume makes a lasting impression.

  • Have hard copies of Certificates 3 and 4 on-hand: Having a tangible copy of all certifications you have under your belt not only prepares you for any questions regarding your qualifications but also makes a lasting impression on the company
  • First Aid and CPR Training: If you don’t have it already, get trained in First Aid and CPR training to show you are prepared for any kind of potential emergency with a client. Showing that you care can provide assistance in an urgent matter can prove to an employer that you are reliable.
  • Add continuing education courses to your resume and portfolio: Whether it is additional strength-training courses or that awesome Zumba instructor badge you just received, employers love to see that prospective employee is making moves when it comes to their education and improving their skills. If you are looking to broaden your horizons regarding your personal training skills, PT Academy offers a variety of courses, including business skills, interval training and more.


Do thorough research on the companies you interview with

Ever walk into a job interview thinking it will be with the company of your dreams only to find out that everything in the job posting is a lie? It happens more often than you think, so it is important to do your homework before the interview.

Discovering more about the company’s mission, services, and clients not only prepares you for the type of questions they will ask but also shows the interviewer you are knowledgeable about the company and eager to learn. Doing research on the company can also help you prepare answers to the questions you might be asked. Here are some common interview questions:

  • What type of clients do you want to train?
  • Where do you want your personal training services to be in five years?
  • What is a rough business plan you have for your services?
  • What improvements can you provide to the company?
  • How would you tailor your services for a difficult client?

Make the best first impression

If you were interviewing a prospective personal trainer for your company, would you take someone with a frumpy appearance or the candidate with workout gear on? I think we all know what’s the best option here. It is important when you go into an interview to make a great first impression and one that stays with the company long after you walk out the door. Here are some tips to make sure you make an impression that counts:

  • Wearing the right clothes: It may sound a bit cliche to say “dress your best,” but in an interview setting, it couldn’t be truer. If you come to an interview in the wrong clothing, your credibility can be at risk. For an interview in the personal training industry, having business casual clothes AND workout clothes with you is important, especially if you are asked to provide a demonstration of the services you can give to a potential client.
  • Ace your personal training consulting skills: Practice makes perfect! If during the interview you are asked to demonstrate your consulting skills with a prospective client, it is best to know how to do that to its full potential by training with your existing clients or even with family and friends. Tell them to give you challenging scenarios so that you can offer smart solutions.
  • Maintain good posture and body language: As a personal trainer, you know how important it is to have proper body alignment when exercising. Follow these same principles when interviewing! Maintaining good eye contact with the interviewer, sitting up straight instead of slouching and using proper hand gestures are all key to giving the interviewer the sense you are confident in your skills and abilities.

Use these interview tips for Personal Trainers to be ready for your next gig.  PT Academy is guaranteed to put you on the road to success. With guaranteed interviews with Australia’s top fitness facilities, including Fitness First, Virgin Active, Fit N Fast, selected Snap Fitness, Evolution outdoor training and many more, PT Academy has a reputation unlike any other for letting their students succeed and expand the horizons of their personal training skills. To learn more about continuing education courses and certifications available, visit www.ptacademy.edu.au



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